Hominy and
Chicken Ramen Noodles

Hominy and Ramen Noodles

This is a simple recipe that only takes a few minutes to prepare.


  • 1 3 ounce bag of chicken ramen noodles
  • 1 15.5 ounce can of hominy
  • some water


Open the bag of ramen noodles. Break up the noodles and put them in a large microwave safe bowl. Open the packet of chicken powder flavoring. Sprinkle it on the noodles. Open the can of hominy and pour it on top of the noodles. Pour enough water on the noodles and hominy to barely cover them. When the water level is about 1/16 of an inch to 1/8 of an inch above the noodles and hominy, that is enough water. Mix. Place some plastic on top of the bowl and put it in the microwave. Cook on high for about 2 minutes. Take out of the microwave and set on a table to cool for a couple of minutes.

Now, it is ready to eat. Hominy tastes really great with ramen noodles.

It is possible to produce a higher quality version of this recipe by using home-made noodles and chicken broth, but this simple version is really quite tasty.